Medialogy, 7th semester.
This semester, we worked on how different stimuli could affect the
test participants’ performance under a motor imagery task (motor
imagery is when you image that you move e.g. a hand, even
though you do not). This was measured using EEG (g.tec).
test participants’ performance under a motor imagery task (motor
imagery is when you image that you move e.g. a hand, even
though you do not). This was measured using EEG (g.tec).
In this semester I have therefore:
- Researched (primarily about EEG)
- Worked with an EEG-cap, including g. tec's system in MATLAB
- Worked with Unity, C# and JavaScript
- 3D modeled environment and objects to be used in Unity
- Researched (primarily about EEG)
- Worked with an EEG-cap, including g. tec's system in MATLAB
- Worked with Unity, C# and JavaScript
- 3D modeled environment and objects to be used in Unity