Medialogy, 10th semester.
We worked on improving an installation at Mosede Fort 1914-18 by using storytelling an interactivity. The installation should in the full design be possible to personalize to each individual user. The focus in the thesis was on the design and design architecture, why only a part of the full design was implemented as a proof-of-concept.
While working on the thesis, I have therefore:
- Researched museums and the creation of museum installations
- Worked with Microsoft Kinect in Processing with a UDP-connection to Unity
- Written various behaviors (C#) in Unity
- Been an inbetweener for classic animation in the software Plastic Animation Paper (PAP
- Worked with Microsoft Kinect in Processing with a UDP-connection to Unity
- Written various behaviors (C#) in Unity
- Been an inbetweener for classic animation in the software Plastic Animation Paper (PAP